What Have I Done?!?! (A resume of my TTRPG work)

Hi! I'm Evan. 

I create and develop TTRPG projects focusing on people who stand up against horrors both mundane and supernatural.

Here are the things I've worked on, and where to find them!


Sourcebook with 3 scenarios for Call of Cthulhu [Chaosium], forthcoming
Scenario as part of the Dreamlands Sourcebook for Call of Cthulhu [Chaosium], forthcoming
Scenario as part of anthology for Call of Cthulhu [Chaosium], forthcoming

Best-Selling Community Content for Call of Cthulhu [Chaosium's Miskatonic Repository]:

Best-Selling Community Content for 7th Sea [JWP/Chaosium's Explorers Society]

Developer/Editor/Project Manager:

Hometown Horrors, Vol. 1 (2nd volume coming in early Auturmn)

In my day job, I manage projects worth $15M + and a team of over 20 researchers, programmers, and analysts. These skills transfer to complex RPG team efforts!

Short Works

Fresh Madness!

Chaosium Con 2024: or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Allergy Meds

This past weekend (4/18-21, 2024) I traveled to the 3rd Chaosium Con, in Ypsilanti (Ann Arbor?) Michigan. I went there with three goals in m...